Sun God Ejected From First Game of Season

Another NBA season is underway, and Rasheed Wallace has already been ejected once. In Detroit's 105-97 loss to Milwaukee, Rasheed made an early exit in the 3rd Quarter after receiving his second technical foul for protesting a referee's call.
This season, the NBA is trying to cut down on player mouth-offs and misbehavior. According to ESPN, "players are fined $1,000 for each of their first five technicals, an amount that increases by $500 for each five after that, capped by a $2,500 penalty for each one starting with the 16th. A one-game suspension also comes at that point and for every other technical thereafter."
I wonder where the NBA came up with the arbitrary number of 16 technical fouls? Could it be coincidence that 16 is the exact number of tecnicals Rasheed earned last season? Not surprisingly, Rasheed, who is named after the Egyptian Sun God, says this new rule is just "another 'Sheed Wallace rule."
I shouldn't love this man - but I do. Much props to Dean Smith for putting Ra in my life.
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