Thursday, November 30, 2006

Jim James Redeems Pitchfork But The Decemberists Eff It Up Again

As part of Pitchfork's weekly "Guest Week" feature, My Morning Jacket's Jim James weighs in with a hilarious list of his favorite things. Best purchase: a Swatch. Best activity of the year: Cooking spinach and onions with a loved one. Classic.

For every yin there is a yang, however, and in this case, it's Colin Meloy and the Decemberists. He and Pitchfork ruin a totally good day by shamelessly indulging themselves in agit-prop lameness. Apparently, Stephen Colbert called The Decemberists out in his show last night. Now, the band is using Pitchfork as its forum to launch a "counterchallenge." Read about it here and roll your eyes while you vomit.


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