Monday, November 27, 2006

Another Choke

The Sine Curve Season continues while the chokes keep piling up.

The Carolina Panthers lost to the Washington Redskins yesterday, 17 -13. In many ways, the loss is inexcusable. With less than 5 minutes to play, Chris Gamble and Mike Minter both missed tackles and gave up a 66-yard touchdown to Redskin tight end Chris Cooley . Tight ends are offensive linemen. They are not supposed to run that far. God knows they can't run that fast, either. Why couldn't someone catch Cooley?
And while we're asking questions, what's the deal with rookie quarterbacks having break out days against the Panthers? The Cowboys' Tony Romo ruled the Cats three weeks ago. Yesterday, the Redskins' Jason Campbell did the same. WTF?
It's tempting to prognosticate worst-case scenarios, but I'll refrain. There is, after all, a lot of season left, and the Cats are still playoff-eligible.

Our next game is a Monday Night Football showdown at Philadelphia. It will have Wild Card implications. It's a must win. Come on, Cats! You're better than this!


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