That's More Like It

Next up: Georgia Tech comes to Chapel Hill, 9:00 Saturday
HIPCAT: 1930s jazz slang for someone who was wise, "with it," or enlightened.....YO BOY: 1980s hip hop slang for a white person who acts black, as if all black culture was the exact same
I'm glad to see the heels pull out a W on the road this week. It says a lot that we didn't play that well and still won by 22.
1. The D saved us, and I'm happy everyone is working hard on that.
2. QT doesn't scare me so much anymore, and he'll be helpful since Bobby has been hurt.
3. Even though we won and are still ranked in the top 5, the Heels have a lot of work to do if we want to even be mentioned in the same category as Florida or UCLA.
4. This pains me to say b/c I've been a Reyshawn supporter from the get go, but he's a cancer. He makes stupid plays, is a sloppy ballhandler, and doesn't think - at all. In general I feel like he can bring the team down. I know Roy doesn't want to upset him especially cause he's a senior, but I'm of the opinion that Danny Green should be in that starting spot (he has been logging equal stats as (if not better than) Terry all season and in fewer minutes. But thats just my opinion.
5. I love Brandan Wright, but did anyone see the OK State-Texas game this week? Kevin Durrant might be the best Frosh in the country, wow.
***one more thing: This is the Heels year to beat Duke twice, and I hope they can pull it out. Anyone know the last year that we beat the dookies both times?
Interesting point about Reyshawn. I hadn't even thought about replacing him with Danny Green in the starting lineup. Might not be a bad idea, but is now the time to eff around with the chemistry?
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